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Worshiping At Lord of Life
Join us on Sunday mornings for our Praise Worship at 9:00 AM!
Holy Communion celebrated every week
Enjoy Contemporary Music & our live worship band
Volunteer staffed New "Bee"lievers Nursery available for ages 0-4 during service! (Nursery is currently open but unstaffed. Please stay with your child if you use this option)
Sunday School 10:15 (after Service in Education Wing, Sept.-May)
Adult Bible Study 10:15 (after Service in Sanctuary, Sept.-May)
Library is open and has a nice selection of books for all ages/devotions/puzzles/movies--we use a self-check-out system, please list items checking out on sheet provided.

"Busy Bags" available for your children

Church library is open on
Sunday mornings!
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